Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oprah Show-Child Molestation

After watching the Oprah show the other day, I am pretty disturbed. A man and his sister was on the show talking about the horrific details of their childhood. His mother raped, beat, starved, and pimped this man and his sister at the age of 6 and 8. I could not imagine growing up in an environment like that. I know my mother used to spank us and we got grounded, but to actually use and abuse your own child, that is sickening. It seems more stories like these are starting to surface and with all the talk about foster care and parenting it makes me think twice is everyone capable of being a parent???? Or has our oversexed society started preying on the innocent-children????

Everywhere you turn on the t.v., the internet, hell even on billboards there are sexual messages, or pictures. Our society is bombarded by sex on our televisions, cell phones, and even on the radio stations. No matter where you turn sex is always the topic on everyone's mind or on everyone's agenda. But has all this sex talk oversexed many of our men and women??? Now since many are burned out from regular sex and porn has this made many of our children prone to sexual molestation????

Teachers, babysitters, coaches these are some of the stories airing on the news, children having inappropriate sexual contact with adults that should be protecting them not molesting them. It seems you can not trust anyone nowdays with your children even your family. Child molestation is a silent epidemic in this country that needs to be stopped immediately. Child pornography should not be allowed on the internet, why should sexual predators have any rights, and after viewing so much of this crap, many of these people are going to want to start performing these acts and not watch them anymore. Stricter laws, punishments, and capital punishment needs to be instated for devious, evil, sexual predators.

In Illinois, there are over 500 sexual predators running around the state and no one knows where they are? Why have we not enacted a system to track sexual predators so we can keep tabs on them and monitor their every move? These people are abusing our children, who are our future. And we all know that child molestation causes many psychological, mental, and emotional effects that will disturb that person for the rest of their life. We as a country must do more to stop the abuse of our children. The foster care system and child welfare agencies also need to revamp many of their procedures and policies to protect many of our children.

After seeing that show it made me think all this money we spend on the war, political scandal, and celebrity bullcrap, we need to start making resolutions to problems that affect us all as a people, as a country, and as a society. This is an ongoing problem that is going to need everyone's help, I know child abuse can not be completely eradicated, but we can help one child at a time.


  1. I did not see this particular episode, but I have seen a lot of different situations but than again the same thing.
    It truly is disgusting that a parent can do that to their own child and that people actually like seeing child porn. I dont know their state of mind. But I just cant help but think.. what if that happened to someone they loved?!
    Law and order SVU is one of my favorite tv shows, and if the job outlook was better I would definitely be a detective and put these vicious felons behind bars every chance I got.
    I agree capital punishment is the way to go!

  2. Some people are just not suited to have children. These people should not have children because that is what happens to them. If your a abusive sex offender you should not have children. There should be psychological evaluations before you can have a child. I also hear horrible stories of childhood. It is so sad that you hear about this when its already too late and the kids are grownups. I can not imagine how someone can hurt their own child.
