Monday, February 8, 2010

Interracial Couples

I left a comment on Orlando's blog responding to his story about being judged for being with someone that is outside of his race. I commented on Orlando's blog because I understand exactly how he feels. Even though I have not been in an interracial relationship in the past six years, I get judged on a daily basis for acting "white" or not being "black" enough. Since I was a kid, I was always getting made fun of for speaking more proper then a lot of kids my age. As I aged, I continued to be ridiculed and mocked for how I talk and for not being "black" enough. I remember going to my family's party and being the subject of the party because of how I talked. All I heard all day was how "white" I talked or how "white" I acted. Mind you my famiily is mid to upper class Blacks so if that's the case they act white at times too. So what exactly is acting black and acting white? There is no book or list of things that describes how a race should act, talk, or how they should be as people. Nowadays, I think many people stereotype others because they are insecure, jealous, or uneducated. Many African American men for some reason think that White women are stupid, have money, and are easier to date then black women and I am not saying this because this is how I feel. I am saying this because I have heard countless African American men saying this. I think is superficial, closeminded, and just stupid. You should like someone based off the quality of their character, not based off the fact you can get over on them. My ex-boyfriend that I dated for eight months needed some financial assistance and he is black. When I told him I did not have the money, he then told me that if I was a "white" girl he would not have this problem. So basically he only dated me because he wanted things out of me, not because I was a bad person, or because I was black or white because I am sure if I was a white girl then I would do something "white" or "try to be acting black". Even growing up in a white suburb, I realized how many of our white neighbors would stereotype us or other blacks that they had encountered. How can you judge people you do not know? And what makes you think you are better then them?

Even though Dr. Martin Luthur King died for all of us to have equalities, we as a society and a country still have a long way to go. I realized that people need to stop thinking of these crazy concoctions and stereotypes and start educating themselves. I have had to correct many people I have encountered because they had crazy thoughts about me being a black person, or they disrespected me or overstepped their boundaries. Education is the key to eliminating racism and people need to start educating one another and also stop allowing for racist comments to be made and tolerated. If you are racist keep those thoughts to yourself, do not say ignorant things just because you feel that way. I have no idea when racism will start to eradicate itself, but from what I have experience and heard others say, we still have a long way to go. Instead of being a part of the problem, start being a part of the solution and start educating others who do not know or if you do not know then educate yourself so you will know the truth.

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