Friday, February 5, 2010

Las Vegas.......HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Las Vegas…………………..Here I Come!!!!!!
As you have all read in one of my first blog entries, I expressed an interest in relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada. I expressed my concern about the state of Illinois’ lack of opportunity for young, working Illinoisans’. After doing massive research over the past few weeks my move to Las Vegas is official. My final exam is on March 6, 2010 and I am flying out to Nevada on March 8, 2010…….Las Vegas here I come baby………hahahahahah!!!!!!

Before making this huge step, I researched the job market, activities in the city, the public transportation system, and the weather in Las Vegas, Nevada……and boy it is definitely going to get hot. I sent out 5 test resumes to see if I would get any responses for a job offer. Out of the 5 resumes, I got 4 responses to fill out an application and to schedule a phone interview. I am excited because this gives me a good prospect in obtaining a job. I also researched the public transportation systems because I am flying out to Nevada and I sold my car a few weeks ago, so I will not have a vehicle yet. The trains and buses run 24-hours and three of the possible places I may be moving into have 6 different bus stops down the street from all three of these locations. This is great because I need accessibility to public transportation so I can move around the city freely. The weather right now is in the 60’s, but within the next month or so the temperature will start to rise. So I decided to buy some of my clothing here because right now a lot of clothing is on sale because we still have another month or so before our winter ends. I called and saw about 5 different apartments. Each management office sent me a packet via e-mail about each of the apartments available for rent and I am opting for a studio or one bedroom. The rents range in price from $350-445 and they all include utilities such as cable, Wi-Fi, and other general utilities even electric. This is a great bang for your buck because in Illinois, most places do not come with anything except water, maybe heat for your lucky. The rents are also way higher. So after all this research and careful planning I am counting down till I leave. A few of my friends have tried to change my mind, but that is not the case this is a move that is far overdue and I can regain my independence again.

Living at my mother’s house has had its ups and downs. First and foremost, my mom has a two bedroom condo and man, can I say we are cramped like sardines. My mom is also very particular and can I say she can get annoying. Having been self-sufficient, I still have not adjusted to living with my mom again. First and foremost, I have too much stuff for this little apartment and having to always rearrange everything can get quite cumbersome. Then when my family comes over for dinner or to just hang out, the lack of space can be quite a nuisance. I realized when my mom sold our townhome back in 2008, and moved to this small apartment she did that so her and my younger brother could have their own domain. Some days I feel like I am intruding on her space and other days I am craving my own. My mom says I am always welcome to come back home if the move does not go as planned. With my determination, ambition, and dedication to living alone again, returning home is the last option on my list. I have even decided to take a job basically anywhere even McDonald’s if necessary so I can stay out in Vegas and not have to come back to Illinois. I guess once you reach a certain age and maturity level you can understand the benefits of living alone, being self-sufficient, and understanding when it is time for you to move on to a new adventure in your own life. My mom says she is not surprised by my move, because a busy body like myself rarely ever stays anywhere for too long. Well the timer begins…………………28 days till I depart and boy am I ready, more ready than I have ever been for anything my entire life. I will keep you guys posted more on my trip closer to the expiration date when it is blast off…..away I go, so Las Vegas be ready for me!!!!!!

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