Friday, February 26, 2010

Response to Angie Aufmann's-Craigslist Beware!!!

I just left a comment on Angie’s Blog about almost being scammed on Nowadays, many sites such as Craigslist are a pool of opportunity for scammers, who prey on individuals that think they are getting a great deal. The scammers have even targeted the job market by pretending to be a company recruiting for a certain position such as an administrative assistant. Once you submit your resume, the scammers send you an e-mail requesting more information such as your address, birthday, and social security number. There should be some type of way that Craigslist can track these scammers and stop them from taking advantage of people. Individuals also need to take precautions about who they give their personal information too also. With such a gloomy economy, scammers are looking for any type of money they can get people just need to be careful and always think realistic some deals are too good to be true and usually if it is it probably is not a deal after all!!!!!!

Class Is Coming To An End

This seven weeks flew by faster than I expected. Already I have two weeks til I board my plane and start my new life in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am glad we did blogging in this class. Blogging has helped me understand other people's perspective, being able to express my own, and having the ability to communicate with classmates that I can not "see". Over the last few weeks, we have explored topics from interracial couples to snow in Chicago. I have found these topics not only interesting, but I am glad that many young people have a voice and want to make our society and country a better place. Being able to talk with other young people has been invigorating because a lot of young people do not care about a lot of issues that a rise in this society.

I am glad this class is almost over not because I did not enjoy the blogging, and taboo topics but because I am ready to embark on my new life in Nevada. Being able to finish this class does give me relief so I can put all my effort into finding a new job, and establishing myself. I must say a part of me is scared because I come from a large family and I am used to always having one of my brothers or cousins around to hang out with. Now I will be alone and will have to make decisions for myself knowing my family is thousands of miles away, but I am up for the challenge. I know my journey will be pleasant and I look forward to all the goods and the bads. I think I may continue my schooling in the fall after this semester is over, but I may attend summer school, who knows??? I am glad I had the opportunity to embark on many topics in this class and I am glad that I had the chance to do blogging.

In two weeks, I will be in a new state, with a new sense of self. I am excited but as the days tick down the butterflies and the unknown fills me with anxiety. I question if I should continue blogging and I probably will. Well until that time farewell to all and good luck with everything. This has been quite an experience and I truly enjoyed it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

When Is Someone Grown?????

I just posted a comment on Ashley's blog in response to her question, what makes someone grown or an adult??? This is a topic that has kind of been of interest for a while now. I am a 24-year-old adult and sometimes when I encounter older or younger people, I realize that everyone's idea of what an adult is will not be the same. In my opinion, an adult is a person regardless of age, that is self-sufficient-they pay for their own bills and expenses, takes responsibility for their actions-they know when they were right or wrong, they respect others-being the bigger person comes with adulthood, and they respect themself-they uphold an image based off how they want to be perceived. Being able to do whatever you want does not make anyone an adult. Maturity also can not be determined by age either because a person can acquire knowledge and maturity at a young age due to the fact everyone experiences and grasps on to life at different phases of their life which can be at any age. I know 20-year-old adults that pay for their own expenses, have their priorities straight, and they are very mature. Maturity to me is not about knowing everything, it is about learning from mistakes in the past, being able to correct them, and finding new solutions to not make that mistake or decision again. Maturity is something that comes along with adulthood, but maturity does not establish being an adult nor does having a baby, renting an apartment, or having a car. You can be a mature person but be dependent, irresponsible, and make bad decisions. There are a few things that makes someone an adult.

1-Self-Sufficiency-Being able to go out and get a job in order to pay for one's own costs and expenses. Looking for easy money, a get rich scheme, or looking for other's to pay your way is very childish and unadultlike. An adult is someone that pays for things they want and not trying to make excuses for not being able to pay for their own things.

2-Stability-Being able to work a job or stay in a residence for a while is a sign of being an adult and a sign of maturity. Bouncing around and not being able to dedicate yourself to anything is a sign of immaturity and uncertainty.

3-Responsibility for one's actions. Being able to admit faults, insecurities, and failures is apart of being an adult because an adult learns from their mistakes and does not blame others or make excuses for their actions this is something a child does which shows immaturity and lack of growth on the individual's part.

4-Keeping Priorities Straight-Being able to set goals and achieve them. A lot of people tend to not keep their priorites straight which includes paying bills on time, attending school, working a job, and continuing to achieve short and long term goals. As an adult, you must establish a life for yourself because if you do not you will always be starting over based off the fact you did not achieve or strive for anything.

5-Respecting Others and Yourself-Being an adult means being able to be the bigger person and having respect for others and their property. Also having respect for yourself is definitely a sign of adulthood which means the person is confident and knows their own boundaries, expectations, morals, and values which is something that usually adults possess.

I am not going to lie it took me a while to learn all of these things and I realized that being an adult does come with time and eveyone will mature when they are ready to mature. Just because I may not have a baby or live on my own right now that does not make me "less" of an adult or any less responsible, or adultlike. And some people never mature into adults and stay stuck in a teenage realm.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oprah Show-Child Molestation

After watching the Oprah show the other day, I am pretty disturbed. A man and his sister was on the show talking about the horrific details of their childhood. His mother raped, beat, starved, and pimped this man and his sister at the age of 6 and 8. I could not imagine growing up in an environment like that. I know my mother used to spank us and we got grounded, but to actually use and abuse your own child, that is sickening. It seems more stories like these are starting to surface and with all the talk about foster care and parenting it makes me think twice is everyone capable of being a parent???? Or has our oversexed society started preying on the innocent-children????

Everywhere you turn on the t.v., the internet, hell even on billboards there are sexual messages, or pictures. Our society is bombarded by sex on our televisions, cell phones, and even on the radio stations. No matter where you turn sex is always the topic on everyone's mind or on everyone's agenda. But has all this sex talk oversexed many of our men and women??? Now since many are burned out from regular sex and porn has this made many of our children prone to sexual molestation????

Teachers, babysitters, coaches these are some of the stories airing on the news, children having inappropriate sexual contact with adults that should be protecting them not molesting them. It seems you can not trust anyone nowdays with your children even your family. Child molestation is a silent epidemic in this country that needs to be stopped immediately. Child pornography should not be allowed on the internet, why should sexual predators have any rights, and after viewing so much of this crap, many of these people are going to want to start performing these acts and not watch them anymore. Stricter laws, punishments, and capital punishment needs to be instated for devious, evil, sexual predators.

In Illinois, there are over 500 sexual predators running around the state and no one knows where they are? Why have we not enacted a system to track sexual predators so we can keep tabs on them and monitor their every move? These people are abusing our children, who are our future. And we all know that child molestation causes many psychological, mental, and emotional effects that will disturb that person for the rest of their life. We as a country must do more to stop the abuse of our children. The foster care system and child welfare agencies also need to revamp many of their procedures and policies to protect many of our children.

After seeing that show it made me think all this money we spend on the war, political scandal, and celebrity bullcrap, we need to start making resolutions to problems that affect us all as a people, as a country, and as a society. This is an ongoing problem that is going to need everyone's help, I know child abuse can not be completely eradicated, but we can help one child at a time.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Response to Sarah's Blog-Snow Yuck

I responded to Sarah's blog about depression and winters in Chicago. I think winter is definitely linked to the attitude of many Chicagoans in the winter, Is everyone a crab or what???? So I love Chicago, the club scene, lights, downtown, the robust behavior of the city. However, now after 24 years of dealing with winters, snow, power outages, and being trapped indoors for long periods of time, I have decided to move west and relocate. THe main thing that has attracted me to Las Vegas, Nevada has been the weather. Don't get me wrong Chicago has a lively nightlife, but who wants to wear heels when there is slush on the ground??? I love hot weather and the sun makes me happy so why not have hot weather all year round. In the summer time that is when all the fun happens-barbeques, swim parties, walking around all night downtown, these are things I am looking to enjoy all year round not just for one season. Also I would save money on coats, winter gear, and my car would have less corrosion from all the salt. I have tons of reason why I love Chicago, but the main downfall that would scare anyone away is the snow. I love Chicago and I always will but for now I am going for fun in the sun, not snow, gloves, and boots.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Interracial Couples

I left a comment on Orlando's blog responding to his story about being judged for being with someone that is outside of his race. I commented on Orlando's blog because I understand exactly how he feels. Even though I have not been in an interracial relationship in the past six years, I get judged on a daily basis for acting "white" or not being "black" enough. Since I was a kid, I was always getting made fun of for speaking more proper then a lot of kids my age. As I aged, I continued to be ridiculed and mocked for how I talk and for not being "black" enough. I remember going to my family's party and being the subject of the party because of how I talked. All I heard all day was how "white" I talked or how "white" I acted. Mind you my famiily is mid to upper class Blacks so if that's the case they act white at times too. So what exactly is acting black and acting white? There is no book or list of things that describes how a race should act, talk, or how they should be as people. Nowadays, I think many people stereotype others because they are insecure, jealous, or uneducated. Many African American men for some reason think that White women are stupid, have money, and are easier to date then black women and I am not saying this because this is how I feel. I am saying this because I have heard countless African American men saying this. I think is superficial, closeminded, and just stupid. You should like someone based off the quality of their character, not based off the fact you can get over on them. My ex-boyfriend that I dated for eight months needed some financial assistance and he is black. When I told him I did not have the money, he then told me that if I was a "white" girl he would not have this problem. So basically he only dated me because he wanted things out of me, not because I was a bad person, or because I was black or white because I am sure if I was a white girl then I would do something "white" or "try to be acting black". Even growing up in a white suburb, I realized how many of our white neighbors would stereotype us or other blacks that they had encountered. How can you judge people you do not know? And what makes you think you are better then them?

Even though Dr. Martin Luthur King died for all of us to have equalities, we as a society and a country still have a long way to go. I realized that people need to stop thinking of these crazy concoctions and stereotypes and start educating themselves. I have had to correct many people I have encountered because they had crazy thoughts about me being a black person, or they disrespected me or overstepped their boundaries. Education is the key to eliminating racism and people need to start educating one another and also stop allowing for racist comments to be made and tolerated. If you are racist keep those thoughts to yourself, do not say ignorant things just because you feel that way. I have no idea when racism will start to eradicate itself, but from what I have experience and heard others say, we still have a long way to go. Instead of being a part of the problem, start being a part of the solution and start educating others who do not know or if you do not know then educate yourself so you will know the truth.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Las Vegas.......HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Las Vegas…………………..Here I Come!!!!!!
As you have all read in one of my first blog entries, I expressed an interest in relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada. I expressed my concern about the state of Illinois’ lack of opportunity for young, working Illinoisans’. After doing massive research over the past few weeks my move to Las Vegas is official. My final exam is on March 6, 2010 and I am flying out to Nevada on March 8, 2010…….Las Vegas here I come baby………hahahahahah!!!!!!

Before making this huge step, I researched the job market, activities in the city, the public transportation system, and the weather in Las Vegas, Nevada……and boy it is definitely going to get hot. I sent out 5 test resumes to see if I would get any responses for a job offer. Out of the 5 resumes, I got 4 responses to fill out an application and to schedule a phone interview. I am excited because this gives me a good prospect in obtaining a job. I also researched the public transportation systems because I am flying out to Nevada and I sold my car a few weeks ago, so I will not have a vehicle yet. The trains and buses run 24-hours and three of the possible places I may be moving into have 6 different bus stops down the street from all three of these locations. This is great because I need accessibility to public transportation so I can move around the city freely. The weather right now is in the 60’s, but within the next month or so the temperature will start to rise. So I decided to buy some of my clothing here because right now a lot of clothing is on sale because we still have another month or so before our winter ends. I called and saw about 5 different apartments. Each management office sent me a packet via e-mail about each of the apartments available for rent and I am opting for a studio or one bedroom. The rents range in price from $350-445 and they all include utilities such as cable, Wi-Fi, and other general utilities even electric. This is a great bang for your buck because in Illinois, most places do not come with anything except water, maybe heat for your lucky. The rents are also way higher. So after all this research and careful planning I am counting down till I leave. A few of my friends have tried to change my mind, but that is not the case this is a move that is far overdue and I can regain my independence again.

Living at my mother’s house has had its ups and downs. First and foremost, my mom has a two bedroom condo and man, can I say we are cramped like sardines. My mom is also very particular and can I say she can get annoying. Having been self-sufficient, I still have not adjusted to living with my mom again. First and foremost, I have too much stuff for this little apartment and having to always rearrange everything can get quite cumbersome. Then when my family comes over for dinner or to just hang out, the lack of space can be quite a nuisance. I realized when my mom sold our townhome back in 2008, and moved to this small apartment she did that so her and my younger brother could have their own domain. Some days I feel like I am intruding on her space and other days I am craving my own. My mom says I am always welcome to come back home if the move does not go as planned. With my determination, ambition, and dedication to living alone again, returning home is the last option on my list. I have even decided to take a job basically anywhere even McDonald’s if necessary so I can stay out in Vegas and not have to come back to Illinois. I guess once you reach a certain age and maturity level you can understand the benefits of living alone, being self-sufficient, and understanding when it is time for you to move on to a new adventure in your own life. My mom says she is not surprised by my move, because a busy body like myself rarely ever stays anywhere for too long. Well the timer begins…………………28 days till I depart and boy am I ready, more ready than I have ever been for anything my entire life. I will keep you guys posted more on my trip closer to the expiration date when it is blast off…..away I go, so Las Vegas be ready for me!!!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Purses-Collector or Carrier???????

Now since tax time is rolling around and I am going to have some extra money, I am already planning on my next purse purchase. Some people may think because I carry name brand purses such as Coach, Louis Vuitton, or Dooney and Bourke that I must carry the name or carry these type of purses to show others how much I spent or how much money I must have as a person. But actually people like me are pretty rare. I would classify myself as a collector not just a carrier. I carry and collect name brand bags because of the quality, style, and themes of the collection that is debuting at that point in time. I have owned other brands of purses such as Liz Claiborne and Saks Fifth Avenue. However, my favorite purses are those of major name brands because they have better color assortment, themes-such as Dooney and Bourke’s heart collection, bumble collection, and the quality is overall by far the main reason why I buy name brand, designer handbags.

I purchased my first designer purse at the age of 18. I had some money saved up and decided that it was time for me to get into the big leagues if I was going to start carrying purses. See at this time I was a carrier, not a collector because I had no idea that this purchase would soon turn into a hobby and a love for all types of purses. I remember walking into the Carson Pirie Scott in the mall and looking at all the purses available. But what really caught my eye was a brown and tan Coach Hobo bag. It was small, cute, and it was a great starter purse for an older teen. I looked at the price tag and the purse was $200.00. I had $500.00 in my pocket and my budget was $150.00. I was so smitten with this purse it had Italian leather, a guarantee-so if the purse becomes faulty, stained, or has a defect it can be returned for repair or credit, and it was everything I wanted for myself. It had brown Coach C’s in the middle of the purse, and the buckle, handle, and clasp that went over the purse was tan. I sat there in front of the mirror for twenty minutes posing with this bag and decided that this purse would be mine. When I walked out of that store I was the happiest person alive.

Fast forward six years later and I still get all giddy, excited, and a burst of energy when I know I am about to buy a purse. Shortly after purchasing that brown Coach hobo, I then purchased a black Coach tote. Once I purchased my second bag I knew I was a collector. Before every purchase I would check regularly and seasonally to see which bags and collections were debuting and which brand of purse I would like to own next. Now I have 22 purses that consist of Kathy Vander Zeeland, Coach, Dooney and Bourke, and Louis Vuitton. My newest purchase is a dark pink Kathy bag with braided rope handles, and it has a gold Kathy plate with rhinestones in the middle. (I even had a guy say that my bag is cute!!!!) I do not think my infatuation with purses will ever let up or change and I really do not want it too. So far I am thinking about purchasing a Chanel bag preferable pink and white because I like purses that nobody really has. I want something that fits me and every purse I buy screams my name, “Tati, right here, yes me, the denim Louis Vuitton.” And yes, I do have a denim Louis Vuitton bag, hahaha. For some fashion is just a trend, or something that they do seasonally for others like myself fashion breathes life into me and helps me define who I am. So for all you avid purse carriers and collectors alike this one is for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!