Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Response to CynTurner's Blog

After reading Cyn Turner's blog about how many magazines stalk celebrities about their weight and overall look is plaguing a lot of newsstands. People would rather laugh at someone else and many of today's celebrities are scape goats for many of society's problems. It is known that many people buy these magazines for entertainment because their life is not on the front page of a magazine. Over the past year, I have gained some weight due to stress and eating on the go. If pictures of me were posted on the cover of a magazine showing my cellulite and unflattery, I would be embarressed and I would feel humiliated. Instead of pointing the finger and laughing, maybe we as a people can start understanding how hard it is to lose weight and to deal with this issue in the public eye. Our society is so vain always trying to find a new way to slim down, have sexier abs, or a firmer butt. At one point in time, having a fuller figure was all the rave and many societies embraced a woman with childbearing hips and an hourglass figure. Now it seems like if you are not thin then you are not in. Beauty is something that only last skin deep. I read an article about a CEO that married a supermodel and when his business crashed they were broke. He stated in the article, "Once the money was gone I sat there and stared at my supermodel wife. I then asked her what we should do and she said she did not know as she brushed her beautiful blond hair. I then realized that her pretty smile and sultry face could not pay our bills or land her a career or job. All she had was her beauty. I then realized I had married her for all the wrong reasons. Now we are divorced." That just goes to show that being intelligent and having a kind heart will get you so much farther in life then a slim butt and a pretty smile.

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